The Sons of Chavez

The alarming reality of more than seven million Venezuelans who have abandoned their homeland highlights the deep crisis facing Venezuela. Although internal crisis is the predominant reason behind this massive migration, it is important to recognize that the reasons vary across different spheres and stages.

In the early days of Chavismo, many compatriots chose to emigrate in the face of imminent disaster, drawing parallels with the events in Cuba and recognizing the alarming similarities. This initial wave of migration headed towards developed countries, where they were welcomed with open arms due to their professionalism, entrepreneurial spirit, and adaptability.

As the nation progressively declined, the reasons for emigration shifted from preventive to a matter of survival. The main cities were engulfed in waves of violence and crime, forcing many to seek refuge beyond the borders. Countries like the United States, Spain, and Chile emerged as preferred destinations for those who were dubbed "air rafters." These communities managed to integrate into affluent areas of these countries, where they were warmly received.

The political violence instigated by Nicolás Maduro between 2014 and 2017, coupled with the deep economic crisis and unprecedented persecution of activists, propelled migration to monumental levels. Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, and Brazil became common destinations, and both governments and citizens of these countries organized to receive Venezuelans, despite the challenges this posed in sectors such as healthcare and education in the receiving countries.

Following the electoral fraud of 2017 and the tightening of international sanctions, exacerbated by the pandemic, a hostile economic climate gave rise to a new phenomenon: the "walkers." With no resources or viable options in neighboring countries, millions of Venezuelans ventured along long routes, crossing borders on foot in a desperate attempt to seek a better life. This situation, which initially reflected the depth of the internal crisis, opened the door to unexpected consequences.

Criminals who once infested the streets of Venezuela, now deprived of internal resources, opted to use the same migration routes to expand their criminal activities throughout South America. This nefarious turn of events not only affected receiving communities but also undermined the reputation of a nationality that was once highly regarded.

With the arrival of the Biden administration, promising open doors and citizenship for all, groups of migrants decided to traverse the Darien Gap, making the United States a prime target. However, among the migrants infiltrated individuals who represent the worst aspect of our society, devoid of human values and willing to abuse the system. These criminals are the excrement that overflows from a collapsed sewer. The offspring of Chávez.

These events, coupled with the escalation of violence and crime that has even threatened police officers and tourists abroad, as recently seen in NY, reflect an alarming reality. It is evident that the Venezuelan diaspora is not only a result of internal crisis but also a deliberate strategy by the Maduro regime to exert pressure and obtain concessions. It cannot be mere coincidence that at the same time the Biden administration talks about reimposing sanctions, Venezuelan criminals strike in packs at police officers, unleash massive tourist robberies, and shoot at law enforcement.

In the face of this situation, it is crucial that we stand firm in our identity and proud of our roots. We must demand more from ourselves and give our best in the communities that have welcomed us. At the same time, it is essential that the full force of the law be applied to prevent maladjusted individuals and criminals from tarnishing our culture and the reputation of our nation abroad.

Julio César Rivas


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